By the painting type

Before painting the color of the leather depends on the method of tanning

Before painting the color of the leather depends on the method of tanning (tanning fat - mustard-yellow color, chrome - light green; iron - canary-yellow color, etc.).

Leather, without any defects, blemishes, and without a mask, can be painted in different cyst, leather patches are colored in black. For black coloring of the leather after tanning and washing of paint, then zhiruyut and dried. For the color of leather color only stain without incurring utility bills, because fat can leave stains.

For dyeing black, used vegetable dyes and aniline dyes, for color skins - now almost exclusively aniline dyes.

Aniline dyes are divided into basic and acidic:

Basic colors: black - Nigrosine; brown - Bismarck brown, vezuvin; yellow - auramine, tioflavin; red - hrizoidin extra, yuftovaya red, rhodamine, green - malachite, brilliant green, blue - victoria blue, caprylic, violet - methyl violet.

Acid dyes: black and gray - oilisine black nigrosine black, yellow and brown - solid yellow azoflavin, hinolipovaya yellow, red - red schorl, krotsein sherley, solid red, blue - ingido blue, green - Acid green, Guinean greens.

It should be noted that the mixed acid and basic dyes can not.

In turn, the leather is classified by the method of painting:

  1. Paint dipping. Two fold of leather inside and hand-dipped in the 40-50 ° dyery bath, while inside is stained only very weakly. This method is used when the tanning of hides small size (goats, sheep, calves, etc.), with a small number of them.
  2. Coloring in the tank with wide rotating blades. The blades are rotating along with the dye bath twirl and leather. In this method, especially suitable for large quantities of leather, painted both sides of the leather.
  3. Colouring in the washing drum in a closed rotating vessel with hollow axles to add dye solution. This method requires a very "short" tinctoria bath, so that the dyes very well may be used, this method is mainly used for chrome leather.
  4. Applying paint with brushes made mostly on large skins. The leather stretches out on the table, the upper side is well moistened and then applied paint.
  5. Pigments. For the tanning of hides, tanned with oak plant substances, use basic and acidic dyes, less substantive. At the use of basic dyes are added 1 - 2 g of acetic acid to 1 liter of dye mixture. The acid dyes are added 1-3g of formic acid to 1 liter of water. By substantive dye substances nothing added. In all cases the color is made at 45-50 °.
  6. Color chrome leather. For chrome leather consume primarily acidic dyes with the addition of acetic or sulfuric acid. Before adding the dye to better consolidate the paint leather should be subjected to treatment with the extract of quebracho. Basic dyes are suitable also for dyeing chrome leather; bath of quebracho respectively amplified. To substantive dye substances to be added acetic acid. The temperature of dye bath can reach 50-60 °.
  7. Color kid leather. Kid leather color, like chrome, but the temperature of dye bath should be lower (40-45 °). (Mainly consumed acid and basic dyes.)
  8. Color suede leather. When stained suede use basic colors (with Glauber's salt and acetic acid) and color at a temperature of 30 °. Acid dyes are used with the addition of Glauber's salt, at a temperature of dye bath at 40-45 °.
  9. Color patent leather. a) In black. leather, they want to dope, and fix the frame, put on a smooth board and on the front side fine tuning a piece of pumice, while the leather does not cease to be rough, then take a good oil varnish, mixed with soot and the Dutch make this a liquid paint, which smear and leather; then the last in the sun to dry, and carefully guarded from dust.

Having done this, proceed as before, once dry, take the pumice and polishing, when the leather becomes smooth, it is dried for an hour, after which the paint, which suggest that they confuse with the Dutch soot and liquid smear even 2-3.

When she is dry, take the felt and finely rasterty pumice and polished up until the leather will not become completely smooth.